New Mains Commissioning

Clearflow Australia provides a quick and efficient service for commissioning new mains.

From pressure testing of pipework, and disinfection of the pipeline according to specifications and industry standards, to the chlorination of large diameter water distribution mains.

To request a callback or additional information, please email [email protected] or leave your details below:

Pipeline Disinfecting

As part of Clearflow Australia’s service portfolio, we commission, pressure test and disinfect pipelines that are newly constructed or refurbished.

Clearflow’s processes follow recognised guidelines for pipeline disinfecting and the disposal of chlorinated water and we ensure that final water quality meets the Australian Drinking Water and Recycled Water Guidelines and applicable state government legislation.

Our disinfecting process:

  • removes any residual bio-films or contaminants on the surface of the internal bore that may compromise water quality when the pipeline is reconnected to the reticulation system
  • confirms flow rates to coincide with calculated stroke rate of disinfectant input
  •  assesses discharge testing points using specialized calibrated equipment, and
  • records all data which is submitted to the client.

For optimum results in obtaining SCT (specified contact time) Clearflow prefers preliminary cleaning of the pipline using pigging to ensure complete removal of all construction debris and other foreign matter present in the pipe.


Clearflow Australia provides a quick and efficient service for commissioning new mains.

From pressure testing of pipework, and disinfection of the pipeline according to specifications and industry standards, to the chlorination of large diameter water distribution mains.

To request a callback or additional information, please email [email protected] or leave your details below:

Pipeline Disinfecting

As part of Clearflow Australia’s service portfolio, we commission, pressure test and disinfect pipelines that are newly constructed or refurbished.

Clearflow’s processes follow recognised guidelines for pipeline disinfecting and the disposal of chlorinated water and we ensure that final water quality meets the Australian Drinking Water and Recycled Water Guidelines and applicable state government legislation.

Our disinfecting process:

  • removes any residual bio-films or contaminants on the surface of the internal bore that may compromise water quality when the pipeline is reconnected to the reticulation system
  • confirms flow rates to coincide with calculated stroke rate of disinfectant input
  •  assesses discharge testing points using specialized calibrated equipment, and
  • records all data which is submitted to the client.

For optimum results in obtaining SCT (specified contact time) Clearflow prefers preliminary cleaning of the pipline using pigging to ensure complete removal of all construction debris and other foreign matter present in the pipe.
