Considering the scale of this job and the number of shutdowns, there were very few problems. I put this down to your technical knowledge of the job and the detailed planning you carried out prior, which was very impressive. I appreciated the co-operation between yourself and me and I know others found you easy to work with.
The Issue
Lower Murray Water supplies potable and non-potable water for residents, industrial users and agricultural and horticultural production in the Swan Hill and Mildura regions and some parts of the Gannawanna Shire.
The Solution
Clearflow Australia was awarded the head contract and over 1,300 kilometres of pipeline, of different sizes, was air scoured to remove naturally occurring bio-films and bacteria build-up. As part of the process, pipelines were refurbished, hydrants audited and data gathered to update reticulation system mapping. Lower Murray Water recognizes the value of scheduled maintenance and has engaged Clearflow on an ongoing basis.
Full case studies on each of these projects are available. Please enter your details below if you'd like a copy.